Dudley Dolphin BSAC is a friendly, approachable and active BSAC branch open to scuba divers of all grades and abilities with training provided from beginner to instructor.
The club has been in existence since 1964 and is in its 47th year. With over 40 members, the club is highly active and is always looking for new members.
Divers from all agencies (e.g. PADI, CMAS, etc.) are welcome and will cross over to the equivalent internationally recognised BSAC grade. Diving trips take us all over the UK and abroad and our social scene is also very active.
We have our own water “The Rezza” which is an ideal training ground for new and quailfied divers alike. We also have a pool night on Fridays between 6:30pm and 8:00pm, and Diving at “The Rezza” on Sunday Mornings from 8am till 12pm.
Contact Details
Contact Name: Training Officer, Angela Lunn
Contact Number: 07912 020111
E-mail: dudleydolphinbsac@gmail.com
Web site: www.dudleydolphinbsac.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Dudley-Dolphin-BSAC/125001494251423